Formerly known as


We develop iOS and Android mobile applications in Swift, Java, Kotlin, Flutter, leveraging high-quality UI/UX design solutions

Web Application Development
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  • Rising Talent


Polished App

Our complete cycle of mobile app development services consists of thorough research, specification writing, designing and coding, followed by rigiorious automated and manual testing.


Save time and budget by developing an MVP mobile app with only essential features. Upgrade later once your app is approved.

Templates Based

Applications are based on the ready-made solutions with the possibility of further customization. Available templates:

Available templates:

  • Social network
  • On-demand application
  • Uber-like application

Outstaff Mobile
APP Developers

You can hire dedicated mobile app developers or full team:

  • To speed up project development
  • Scale your team
  • Enhance areas that you do not have any experience with

We provide only Senior and Middle mobile app developers for hiring


Three maintenance plans are available, depending on your mobile application needs:

  • Basic
  • Optimal
  • Advanced

The maintenance plan can be suggested, based on the code quality, code legacy, and the amount of work required. The initial assessment is free.

Our mobile app development services

  1. Deep-dives into your business and industry.
  2. Marketing research and competitors analysis.
  3. Team contribution.
  1. Workshops with your employees and end-users.
  2. Proven experience with your industry and technology stack.
  1. Reply is typically provided within several minutes. It might take a little bit longer during the peak loads but it’s never more than 12 hours during the working days (24 hours during the weekends)
  2. Regular syncups during the project workshops, demos, and specification refinement sessions
  3. Communication channels and workspaces are selected to your convenience
  1. Open-minded and friendly team
  2. We are happy to collaborate with your in-house teams or other parties involved directly
  1. Regular code reviews
  2. Security standards
  3. Publication to Apple Store and Google Market
  1. Detailed specifications
  2. Project roadmap
  3. API development and set up of all third-party services
Project Management
  1. Managing budget, delivery, and timeline
  2. Comprehensive weekly budget and timeline reports
  3. Risk management to ensure even the most impossible deadlines are met
  1. Meeting records to keep you in a loop
  1. Project maintenance and monitoring upon the delivery
  2. Free onboarding of your in-house team if needed
  1. Consultations on the project functionality provided during 3 months after the project release



We assess all potential risks while submitting your application to Apple Store and include the right features to ensure your app does not face any major problems


Android applications are more agile when it comes to hardware potential. Android gives more development flexibility of solution features.


Apple Watch, Fitbit, Samsung watch - all these devices have their own peculiarities as far as data transmission is concerned. We provide a smooth user experience, regardless of the device.

Let us pick the best-suited services
for your mobile app development.

How do we ensure the delivery?

  • Detailed acceptance criteria and well-structured specifications allow us to build the mobile app to your expectations. Regular code and cross-code reviews are provided as a part of our workflow. No Junior mobile app developers work on commercial projects. We employ automatic testing to detect bugs quickly and speed up the delivery process The quality assurance is provided at several stages:

    The quality is provided at several levels:

    • before the code is written
    • during the code development
    • during the code testing
  • We use the Kano framework to prioritize the development of the required scope of features. The most essential features get developed first so your app is sufficiently equipped. This helps to ensure that even the toughest delivery dates can be met.

  • Budget estimations are provided, giving several scenarios (minimum, average, and maximum). As we move forward, we are tracking the project progress against the estimate.

    You get weekly updates if the project is going according to the outlined scenario. Should the risk of going over budget appear at any point, we’ll reiterate the app features to make sure we stay on budget.

    We typically go according to the mid-budget scenario in 70% of all cases.

  • Successful projects emerge as the result of the perfect combination of Budget, Deadlines, and Quality. And we know how to take care of all three.

Your Project


Our expertise is confirmed by
certificate 1
certificate 2
certificate 3
certificate 4
certificate 5
certificate 6
certificate 7
certificate 8
certificate 9
certificate 10


The cost of mobile app development is based on human hours required to deliver it. And the number of hours depends on the number and complexity of the features. We are happy to provide a detailed estimation with the breakdown of roles, hours, features required for your project.

Julia Certified Scrum Master
Blog article recommended by Julia

Native apps are developed for particular platforms which define some feature choice options. Such apps can directly access the hardware elements such as the GPS, camera, microphone, etc. Native apps provide advanced functionality and superior user experience as they're tailored to the needs of the appropriate platforms, like iOS or Android.

Andrew Mobile team leader
Blog article recommended by Andrew

We will take care of the app publishing on Apple Store and Google Market and provide descriptions, titles, screens so your potential users can get a better idea of your app.

Ira Chief Marketing Officer
Blog article recommended by Ira

We follow scrum methodology in mobile app development services. Scrum means that the mobile app development happens in iterations, where each iteration has a duration of 2 weeks and includes: specifications writing, wireframing, design, coding, testing. This means that in 2 weeks, you will already be able to see the first version of your app during a demo call.

Kat Product Owner
Blog article recommended by Kat

Benefit from our industries expertise

Remember, we are flexible enough to extend or decrease your feature set. We do not hide the mobile app development services costs, because we value your time.
Finance and
Banking, Fintech
Our Clients Startups, Traders, Brokers, Venture Funds, Mortgage and Property Management companies, Middle Size Businesses in the field of finance, Digital Agencies with Fintech expertise
Make sure that your project includes autotests that cover all calculations in the built systems. One error can cost a fortune to your end users
Reporting systems
AVG budget: $45,000
as quickly as 3 months to deliver
Financial calculators
AVG budget: $300,000
as quickly as 1,5 months to deliver
Analytic platforms
AVG budget: $100,000
6 months to deliver
Trading systems
AVG budget: $300,000
1,5 years to deliver
Databases and lists builders
AVG budget: $20,000
as quickly as 2 months of development
Sales instruments
AVG budget: $60,000
6 months to deliver
read more
Our Clients Universities, Language Schools, Startups, Local Authorities, Medical and Day Care facilities, Middle Size Businesses in the field of education
Always protect privacy and keep all data secure, especially for the projects based on children related data. No non verified or unlicensed third parties should be used during the development
Social networks
AVG budget: $60,000
as quickly as 3 months to deliver
Daycare app
AVG budget: $60,000
as quickly as 3 months to deliver
Study and exam app
AVG budget: $15,000
as quickly as 1,5 months to deliver
Courses marketplace
AVG budget: $80,000
as quickly as 4 months to deliver
Tutor2student platform
AVG budget: $70,000
as quickly as 4 months to deliver
Fun study app
AVG budget: $15,000
as quickly as 1,5 months to deliver
Tutoring Omni Portals
AVG budget: $60,000
as quickly as 3 months to deliver
read more
Business Intelligence
Our Clients Middle Size Businesses, Enterprises, Restaurant Chains, Manufacturers
We act as your R&D office analysing your production and services and provide the software aimed at increasing your profits and decreasing expenses by automating the most challenging parts of workflow
Point of Sales - POS
AVG budget: $70,000
as quickly as 4 months to deliver
Enterprise Resource Planning - ERP
AVG budget: $150,000
6 months to deliver
Inventory management systems - IMS
AVG budget: $100,000
6 months to deliver
Orders management platforms - OMS
AVG budget: $40,000
as quickly as 3 months to deliver
Business flows automation
AVG budget: $150,000
6 months to deliver
Business Omniportals
AVG budget: $100,000
6 months to deliver
Industrial Internet of Things - IIoT
AVG budget: $100,000
6 months to deliver
read more
Entertainment, Utility
Our Clients Startups, IoT based companies
We act as your R&D office analysing your production and services and provide the software aimed at increasing your profits and decreasing expenses by automating the most challenging parts of workflow
Casinos & Betting
AVG budget: $40,000
as quickly as 3 months to deliver
Virtual Sports portals
AVG budget: $60,000
as quickly as 4 months to deliver
Promotion & events apps
AVG budget: $20,000
as quickly as 2 months to deliver
IoT apps
AVG budget: $60,000
as quickly as 3 months to deliver
Countdowns & Time capsules
AVG budget: $150,000
as quickly as 3 months to deliver
Fun Charity
AVG budget: $10,000
as quickly as 1 months to deliver
Services booking
AVG budget: $50,000
as quickly as 3 months to deliver
read more
Social Networks
Our Clients Startups, Communities, Enterprises
Social networks require architecture that would support high loadings and scale quickly. Stress and Load testing should be conducted upon release
Social Network
$70,000 for MVP
as quickly as 4 months to deliver
Chat-based apps
$70,000 for MVP
as quickly as 4 months to deliver
Media-based apps
$70,000 for MVP
as quickly as 4 months to deliver
Booking & Matching
$70,000 for MVP
as quickly as 4 months to deliver
Social Dating
$70,000 for MVP
as quickly as 4 months to deliver
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Our Clients Marketing Agencies, Digital Agencies working with marketing, Advertisement Companies, Startups, Enterprises looking to optimize the Marketing and Sales flows
Design and user experience are especially important during the build of marketing tools. Make sure to execute A/B testing with the target group
Landing builders
$150,000 for MVP
6 months to deliver
Campaign & funnel builders
$70,000 for MVP
as quickly as 4 months to deliver
Marketing automation
$30,000 for MVP
as quickly as 2 months to deliver
Website editors
$150,000 for MVP
6 months to deliver
Fitness And Sports
Our Clients Startups, Gyms, Middle Size Businesses in sports, Betting Companies, IoT based companies, Sport communities
Integration of wearables and smart devices would help sportsmen to optimize their sports results. Make sure to enjoy the full variety of watches, sensors, etc available
Trainers&gym booking
AVG budget: $80,000
6 month to deliver
Gym managements
AVG budget: $100,000
6 month to deliver
Sports & nutrition
AVG budget: $30,000
as quickly as 2 month to deliver
Running apps
AVG budget: $50,000
as quickly as 3 month to deliver
Training streaming
AVG budget: $80,000
6 month to deliver
Fantasy sports
AVG budget: $60,000
as quickly as 3 month to deliver
Fans matching
AVG budget: $60,000
as quickly as 3 months to deliver
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Our Clients Medical and Healthcare institutions, Pharmaceuticals companies, Startups, Entrepreneurs in the medical industry
Medical Projects require software to be HIPPA compliant. Make sure you follow its main requirements: (a) Secure permissions control to patient data (b) The ability to download data in a secure way for insurance companies (c) integration of Third parties that are HIPPA certified (d) Log each action in the system
Med Institution Management
AVG budget: $130,000
6 months to deliver
Pharmaceuticals Management
AVG budget: $300,000
1 year to deliver
Patients Catalogues
AVG budget: $80,000
6 months to deliver
Medical Resource Planning
AVG budget: $180,000
1 year to deliver
Vaccine Tracking
AVG budget: $50,000
as quickly as 3 months to deliver
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HR and Recruitment
Our Clients Startups, Recruitment agencies, Middle Size Businesses HR departments, Hiring agents, Headhunting agencies
The mass migration of data as well as mass data management is usually involved into the HR systems, make sure the data is correctly structured before the project starts
Candidates databases
AVG budget: $150,000
1 year to deliver
CV & Cover Letter Builders
AVG budget: $70,000
as quickly as 3 month to deliver
Job boards
AVG budget: $40,000
as quickly as 2 months to deliver
Matching candidates to jobs
AVG budget: $100,000
6 months to deliver
Career paths
AVG budget: $30,000
as quickly as 2 month to deliver
Recruitment management
AVG budget: $150,000
1 year to deliver
read more

Want to talk to an expert?


We are interested in making your application successful because we appreciate our partnership and value our reputation. Unlike other development teams, we provide the real FULL cycle of app delivery, including marketing and maintenance.


Your Idea Others skip this, but not us

Be ready for workshops to brainstorm and structure your idea into a high-level list of features

  • Analysis of competitors
  • Marketing research
  • Project vision
  • Mobile app development risks identification


Quick UX sketches allow testing with focus groups

  • Making high-level wireframes
  • Execution of A/B testing
  • Detailed wireframes based on feedback


Pick the style that resonates with your project vision

  • 5 logo suggestions
  • 3 visual style suggestions
  • Design of user-friendly interface
  • User experience testing


Ensured code quality from the very first steps

  • Discovery stage, which is usually missed by other teams
  • Development plan with deliverables
  • Definition of acceptance criteria
  • Straightforward, hourly tracking
  • Development schedule


Detecting bugs early helps to save time during the later stages of mobile app development services:

  • Automated API testing
  • Security testing
  • Quality assurance
  • Functional, Integration and Regression testing
  • Automated

App Submission

Over 200 projects submitted to Apple Store and Google Play Market

  • Setup of live back-end environment
  • Consultation about the Apple Store and Play Market guidelines
  • App submission to marketplaces
  • Marketing support of released apps

App Maintenance

App publication is only the start of a successful project

  • New OS release updates
  • API updates
  • App changes to meet new compliance regulations
  • App scaling, DevOps

App Marketing

Full package of digital marketing to ensure that we can boost your app big time

  • SEO
  • PPC (Ads)
  • Content writing
  • Email marketing
Mobile Application Development

Let’s build your app







Android SDK

Flutter SDK


Android Studio

Android Studio

Visual Studio

Visual Studio Code


IntelliJ IDEA





Swift UI


Version Control







App Store

Google Play

Google Cloud Messaging

Apple Push Notification Service

Firebase Cloud Messaging

How can we help you?

  • Indicating scope, timeframes, or business challenges would allow us to provide a better response
  • Our expert team will get back to you within 24h for free consultation
  • All information provided is kept confidential and under NDA

Looking forward to your message!