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GBKSOFT Affiliate

Do you know someone who needs web or mobile app development? Refer this person to us and get a pleasant additional income

be our affiliate

We offer great
reward options

Refer a client and earn 10%
from the project price!

Here is what you can do with your reward:


Withdraw the money and get it right to your bank account


Use it as a deposit to develop your own project

Why recommend

  • We are a team with 9+ years of experience in web and
    mobile development.

  • 700+ Projects
  • All development processes are always
    transparent and efficient.

  • $60,000 Average Cost
  • We build solutions for numerous business niches and
    know how to launch startups.

  • 97% NPS

Who can be interested in our
development services?

Already know someone who
needs development services?

Benefit from our industries expertise

Remember, we are flexible enough to extend or decrease your feature set. We do not hide the mobile app development services costs, because we value your time.
Finance and
Banking, Fintech
Our Clients Startups, Traders, Brokers, Venture Funds, Mortgage and Property Management companies, Middle Size Businesses in the field of finance, Digital Agencies with Fintech expertise
Make sure that your project includes autotests that cover all calculations in the built systems. One error can cost a fortune to your end users
Reporting systems
AVG budget: $45,000
as quickly as 3 months to deliver
Financial calculators
AVG budget: $300,000
as quickly as 1,5 months to deliver
Analytic platforms
AVG budget: $100,000
6 months to deliver
Trading systems
AVG budget: $300,000
1,5 years to deliver
Databases and lists builders
AVG budget: $20,000
as quickly as 2 months of development
Sales instruments
AVG budget: $60,000
6 months to deliver
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Our Clients Universities, Language Schools, Startups, Local Authorities, Medical and Day Care facilities, Middle Size Businesses in the field of education
Always protect privacy and keep all data secure, especially for the projects based on children related data. No non verified or unlicensed third parties should be used during the development
Social networks
AVG budget: $60,000
as quickly as 3 months to deliver
Daycare app
AVG budget: $60,000
as quickly as 3 months to deliver
Study and exam app
AVG budget: $15,000
as quickly as 1,5 months to deliver
Courses marketplace
AVG budget: $80,000
as quickly as 4 months to deliver
Tutor2student platform
AVG budget: $70,000
as quickly as 4 months to deliver
Fun study app
AVG budget: $15,000
as quickly as 1,5 months to deliver
Tutoring Omni Portals
AVG budget: $60,000
as quickly as 3 months to deliver
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Business Intelligence
Our Clients Middle Size Businesses, Enterprises, Restaurant Chains, Manufacturers
We act as your R&D office analysing your production and services and provide the software aimed at increasing your profits and decreasing expenses by automating the most challenging parts of workflow
Point of Sales - POS
AVG budget: $70,000
as quickly as 4 months to deliver
Enterprise Resource Planning - ERP
AVG budget: $150,000
6 months to deliver
Inventory management systems - IMS
AVG budget: $100,000
6 months to deliver
Orders management platforms - OMS
AVG budget: $40,000
as quickly as 3 months to deliver
Business flows automation
AVG budget: $150,000
6 months to deliver
Business Omniportals
AVG budget: $100,000
6 months to deliver
Industrial Internet of Things - IIoT
AVG budget: $100,000
6 months to deliver
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Entertainment, Utility
Our Clients Startups, IoT based companies
We act as your R&D office analysing your production and services and provide the software aimed at increasing your profits and decreasing expenses by automating the most challenging parts of workflow
Casinos & Betting
AVG budget: $40,000
as quickly as 3 months to deliver
Virtual Sports portals
AVG budget: $60,000
as quickly as 4 months to deliver
Promotion & events apps
AVG budget: $20,000
as quickly as 2 months to deliver
IoT apps
AVG budget: $60,000
as quickly as 3 months to deliver
Countdowns & Time capsules
AVG budget: $150,000
as quickly as 3 months to deliver
Fun Charity
AVG budget: $10,000
as quickly as 1 months to deliver
Services booking
AVG budget: $50,000
as quickly as 3 months to deliver
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Social Networks
Our Clients Startups, Communities, Enterprises
Social networks require architecture that would support high loadings and scale quickly. Stress and Load testing should be conducted upon release
Social Network
$70,000 for MVP
as quickly as 4 months to deliver
Chat-based apps
$70,000 for MVP
as quickly as 4 months to deliver
Media-based apps
$70,000 for MVP
as quickly as 4 months to deliver
Booking & Matching
$70,000 for MVP
as quickly as 4 months to deliver
Social Dating
$70,000 for MVP
as quickly as 4 months to deliver
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Our Clients Marketing Agencies, Digital Agencies working with marketing, Advertisement Companies, Startups, Enterprises looking to optimize the Marketing and Sales flows
Design and user experience are especially important during the build of marketing tools. Make sure to execute A/B testing with the target group
Landing builders
$150,000 for MVP
6 months to deliver
Campaign & funnel builders
$70,000 for MVP
as quickly as 4 months to deliver
Marketing automation
$30,000 for MVP
as quickly as 2 months to deliver
Website editors
$150,000 for MVP
6 months to deliver
Fitness And Sports
Our Clients Startups, Gyms, Middle Size Businesses in sports, Betting Companies, IoT based companies, Sport communities
Integration of wearables and smart devices would help sportsmen to optimize their sports results. Make sure to enjoy the full variety of watches, sensors, etc available
Trainers&gym booking
AVG budget: $80,000
6 month to deliver
Gym managements
AVG budget: $100,000
6 month to deliver
Sports & nutrition
AVG budget: $30,000
as quickly as 2 month to deliver
Running apps
AVG budget: $50,000
as quickly as 3 month to deliver
Training streaming
AVG budget: $80,000
6 month to deliver
Fantasy sports
AVG budget: $60,000
as quickly as 3 month to deliver
Fans matching
AVG budget: $60,000
as quickly as 3 months to deliver
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Our Clients Medical and Healthcare institutions, Pharmaceuticals companies, Startups, Entrepreneurs in the medical industry
Medical Projects require software to be HIPPA compliant. Make sure you follow its main requirements: (a) Secure permissions control to patient data (b) The ability to download data in a secure way for insurance companies (c) integration of Third parties that are HIPPA certified (d) Log each action in the system
Med Institution Management
AVG budget: $130,000
6 months to deliver
Pharmaceuticals Management
AVG budget: $300,000
1 year to deliver
Patients Catalogues
AVG budget: $80,000
6 months to deliver
Medical Resource Planning
AVG budget: $180,000
1 year to deliver
Vaccine Tracking
AVG budget: $50,000
as quickly as 3 months to deliver
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HR and Recruitment
Our Clients Startups, Recruitment agencies, Middle Size Businesses HR departments, Hiring agents, Headhunting agencies
The mass migration of data as well as mass data management is usually involved into the HR systems, make sure the data is correctly structured before the project starts
Candidates databases
AVG budget: $150,000
1 year to deliver
CV & Cover Letter Builders
AVG budget: $70,000
as quickly as 3 month to deliver
Job boards
AVG budget: $40,000
as quickly as 2 months to deliver
Matching candidates to jobs
AVG budget: $100,000
6 months to deliver
Career paths
AVG budget: $30,000
as quickly as 2 month to deliver
Recruitment management
AVG budget: $150,000
1 year to deliver
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How does the Affiliate
program work?


We encourage long-lasting partnership, so there is no limit of referrals that you can bring. Feel free to refer as many clients as you like as long as they have serious intentions and resources to start the development.

Yes, our Client Partner will contact you regularly and inform you about the project progress and all bills paid to our company by your referral.

There are several reward scenarios that we practice.

#1 Let’s say, you refer us to a client that works in a company that requires development services. That company already uses software that has some issues. So they potentially may need consulting services. In this case you’ll get a percentage of our consulting revenue, and your commission will get bigger if that company needs development services. Your reward will be a 20% from our development revenue sent on your account or a 10% discount on development services for both you and the referral.

#2 Let’s say you know a company that needs 2 Angular developers. You introduce GBKSOFT to that company, and after negotiating the conditions we sign a one year contract with them. If our rate is $30 per hour of Angular developer work, then 2 specialists will cost them $60 per hour for the next 12 months. Excluding all holidays and possible vacations, we will earn $180K for 6000 hours. And your commission will be $18,000.

Yes, GBKSOFT will sign an Affiliate Agreement with you. In that document all terms and conditions will be clearly stated, and our company is obliged to follow them. So you can be sure that you will always receive your commission timely and in a negotiated amount.

How can we help you?

  • Indicating scope, timeframes, or business challenges would allow us to provide a better response
  • Our expert team will get back to you within 24h for free consultation
  • All information provided is kept confidential and under NDA

Looking forward to your message!