Formerly known as


We make Web and mobile app designs that sell

Logo design

GBKSOFT makes clear and immediately recognizable logo designs that inspire trust and admiration for your commercial brand by analyzing the industry and your competitors. When making a logo, we keep in mind the environment where it will be presented.


Strong business identity
beyond the trends

Distinct &

Instantly calls your
brand to mind

Good Looking,
No Matter What

Looks good in all sizes. Logo
is provided in black & white
and in colored versions.


Web Design

There are many web designing companies that create fancy artwork the luck of fitting the purpose inside. We help our client to stand out from competitors and reach their business goals with functional, yet beautiful designs.

Motivate your customers by delivering proper messages through design. As a web design company, we know how to communicate with a specific audience and do it with empathy.

& Fast-Loading

Optimized design that
loads in seconds

Fluid. Adaptive.

Layout that looks great
on every device

Strong Business

Solid design that states itself
in a competitive market


Mobile App Design

Create an application that will be on the home screen of each user's smartphone. Amaze your customers and drive attention to your business with a unique mobile app design. We craft mobile app designs that are entitled to gain 4+ ratings only.

We always keep in mind your idea and will emphasize it in every detail while designing an app. A straightforward mobile app UI and a clear UX are embodied in every app we create.

Follows The Rules

App gets designed and
built in accordance with

Retina Quality

The mobile app UI
stays sharp on every

Ambidextrous Design

Feels native on both Android
and iOS platforms


Design with Purpose

It’s your privilege as a product owner to choose a proper context for meeting customers. Choose wisely!

Increase Conversion Rates

86% of users move to the product page once they're on the company’s website. We introduce each product in its own, appealing way by putting ourselves in the customer's shoes and tracking their behavior.

Raise Site Visit Duration

38% of customers will leave a website if its layout or content is unattractive. We create clear user interfaces that direct users through the site to the products they actually need.

WOW Users

Colors increase digital recognition by 80%. We choose stylish color schemes for app designs that set our products apart from others.

Build a Brand

94% of users mistrust websites because of a bad design. GBKSOFT secures the trust of customers by designing a solid identity and reinforcing the website's visual credibility.


Design Process

Highly thought through. Consistent. Creative.



We start the design process with defining the client’s business goals. We analyse the target audience, their visual tastes, and design trends that prevail in the industry. Then we provide the client with several style approaches, in order to select the one to continue with.

  • Project objectives definition
  • Competitor analysis
  • Target audience assessment
  • Preliminary selection of visual elements and style
  • Quote and feedback from slicers and developers

Logo Design

Designing a logo is where pure creativity goes. We usually provide 5 logo suggestions in order to offer you enough options for personal input. After all, the logo is the main identity piece that stays with your company for a long time.

  • Sketch several variants on paper
  • Transfer 5 suggestion into digital format
  • Improve the 2 best variants in black & white
  • Test several color schemes
  • Final rendering


In the wireframing stage, we decide the structure of the content for each and every page. We run several iterations of A/B tests and arrange elements in a way that it would effectively direct the user's actions in accordance with project goals. Then we build a full roadmap of the site with all wireframes interconnected.

  • Wireframing in Axure
  • A/B tests of element arrangement within the page
  • Check the logic and user flow across all pages
  • Preparation of complete roadmap of the product
  • Refinement of wireframes according to the client's feedback
  • Preparation of the final roadmap with all wireframes included


Now we can design the visual representation of the product. First, we make several raw concepts in order to determine the general mood of the website or mobile app. Next, we focus on the finer details: buttons, icons, badges, typefaces, animations, and effects.

  • Choose the key page (the most loaded page of the site)
  • Make 3 to 5 variations of its design
  • Get the feedback from the client
  • Refine according to the feedback
  • Transfer the previously approved design to other pages
  • Keep a solid and consistent look


We create an interactive prototype that gives the client a notion of how the product will look and behave. This is a perfect time to test UI/UX in the near-live environment and apply changes provided by the client.

  • Make unified guidelines in order to streamline coder’s workflow
  • Provide additional mockups for tablets and smartphones
  • Gather feedback from slicers and developers
  • Make sure that all visual elements can be transferred in pixel perfect format

Final Artwork

We gather all designs, wireframes, and visual materials and place them into a single psd document. This file will be a guiding list for the development team to make sure that all ideas are transferred exactly as planned. In the future, you can always use this document if you want to upgrade your website or mobile app.

  • Make final drawings of all elements and icons
  • Gather designs and place them into a single psd file
  • Describe animated visual effects that should be applied to UI elements
  • Comment on the document for future use by the coder
  • Transfer mockups and wireframes to the development team

Major business niches of our expertise

Our team has excellent coding skills and rich experience in creating apps for all business niches mentioned below. Our own rich base of ready-made solutions in these areas helps us to stand out from other web app development companies and we can make you outshine your competitors too.

Web Applications for Businesses
Web Applications for Businesses

Make your business and employees more organized and efficient. Develop a custom business application and increase productivity in your company by reducing the number of routine tasks and removing risk of human error

from 1500+ hours 3-4 months Learn More
Travel & Booking Portals
Travel & Booking Portals

Expand your client base, increase profit and make your customers’ experience more convenient. Develop an easy-to-use trip builder or booking portal able to aggregate prices and parce vacation offers from various different platforms at once.

2000+ hours 3-4 months Learn More
Internet of Things
Internet of Things

Keep up with the future and create a smart environment around you. Develop highly performing IoT system with GBKSOFT to optimize your current working systems and make them perform much better.

1000+ hours 2-3 months Learn More
Healthcare Software Solutions
Healthcare Software Solutions

Develop a healthcare app to provide better service and implement automation of routine processes. We can build apps with complex knowledge bases, as well as solutions for diagnostics, appointment booking, patient progress checking, video conferencing, etc.

2000+ hours 3-4 months Learn More
Logistics Software Solutions
Logistics Software Solutions

Boost the efficiency of your logistics business and save money. Start building a logistics management application with our agency and get a holistic solution able to optimize your supply chain and increase delivery speed.

4000+ hours 6-7 months Learn More
Trading Systems
Trading Systems

Make the investment experience simpler and faster for your clients. Contact our trading platform development company and build a solution with real-time profit\loss capabilities and get access to advanced market statistics.

6000+ hours 8-9 months Learn More
Software as a Service
Software as a Service (SaaS)

Process big data, increase your business security and employee productivity. We can develop a reliable and cost-effective SaaS with simple setup, integration options and advanced functionality.

5000+ hours 7-8 months Learn More
Job Boards
Job Boards

Make the job search experience simpler for your users. Our web application developers can make a smart and easy-to-use job board with fast and efficient service for CV generation and database processing.

3000+ hours 5-6 months Learn More
Betting platform development
Betting platform development

Increase your margins, ensure your business safety and gather user statistics on the fly. We will provide sport fantasy website development or build a secure custom betting app with a reliable backend, real-time data exchange and the ability to process huge traffic loads.

3000+ hours 5-6 months Learn More
Sports and Fitness Apps
Sports and Fitness Apps

Promote your gym and monetize your personal training programs. Our team can develop cutting-edge application to help you attract new gym members while keeping regulars and raise awareness about your professional services.

2000+ hours 3-4 months Learn More
Educational Websites
Educational Websites

Develop an educational web app and let it bring you income. We can build a robust and engaging educational platform for sharing all your knowledge, e-learning resources and video tutorials with your community in real-time.

4000+ hours 6-7 months Learn More

Mobile App Design

It’s required to follow developer guidelines while designing mobile apps. We adhere to these principles.

No matter what platform you choose, your app will get a unique touch!

App Design

Material Design provides a sense of tactility.


App Design

OS Human Interface praises clarity and simplicity.


How can we help you?

  • Indicating scope, timeframes, or business challenges would allow us to provide a better response
  • Our expert team will get back to you within 24h for free consultation
  • All information provided is kept confidential and under NDA

Looking forward to your message!